The real magic is in
the heart of the story.
There is a joy in seeing a
manuscript take wings and fly…
Fast-Track Manuscript Assessment
"Start strong. Hook the reader from the first sentence."
David Baldacci
A mistake new writers frequently make is starting too slowly, or in the wrong place. Correctly identifying the true starting point of your story is key. Within a very few pages, the reader ought to be pulled into the the world of your characters, and thrust headlong into the plot, be it thriller, historical saga, YA, literary, romance or any other genre.
Had mysterious rejections? Just starting out? Not sure if you are on the right foot?
The fast-track Manuscript Assessment is an affordable, no-frills analysis of the opening section of your manuscript.
Quick turnaround. Ideal if you are just starting out, or if you have had rejections and no solid feedback. Is your manuscript getting out of the blocks on track, or is it starting on the wrong foot? The best time to get guidance is when you are starting out.
The Book Editors can identify most book problems from just the first few chapters, and will tell you how you can fix them.
It is essential to get off to a good start. Agents will typically spend 5 minutes or less looking at a submission before making a decision as to whether they want to read it. The Fast-Track Report will analyse the opening 10,000 words of your novel with a breakdown of the Three Key Elements.
Our editors will look in detail at your book's opening section, and will provide you with a detailed 1500-word report.
£99 fixed fee.
Full Manuscript Assessment
"Writing is rewriting. The first draft is just the beginning."
Jojo Moyes
It's almost unheard of for first drafts to get published. Professional writers know that it is a process of constant revision and editing to get their manuscript to where they want it to be. The writer who manages to get their vision fully onto the page without significant rewrites is a very rare beast indeed.
For complete manuscripts from 'first draft' to 'ready for submission' or publication-standard.
Ken Follett wrote ten published novels before he had a bestseller with The Eye of The Needle - now everybody thinks of that as his first book. You are not alone. Every writer works with an editor to help make the story thrill, the prose shine, and the readers' hearts thump harder.
Does your dialogue sing, or is it laden with exposition?
Have you nailed your Narrative Distance?
Do you know what to Dramatise, what to Summarise
and what to Delete?
Your editor will be able to help clarify story goals, emotional effectiveness, effective plotting and release of information. Story structure and shape are essential for giving the reader the experience they crave.
The Book Editors will analyse your full manuscript and deliver a minimum 5000 word report that will focus on the Three Key Elements of good fiction, noting how - in your manuscript - they have succeeded or could be improved.
Above all, your editor will offer technical or practical advice, identifying any issues in the draft, and suggesting possible ways to move forward.
The Book Editors will help you make your story the best it can possibly be.
Typical fees:
£450 for 60,000 words.
£600 for 80,000 words.
£750 for 100,000 words.
Development Edit
"Editing is a writer’s best friend."
Danielle Steel
Don't blow your chances of getting an agent or a publisher by submitting a manuscript that's not highly polished and professional. Agents and publishers are looking for stories that resonate strongly with the reader; writing that is emotionally compelling, whether thriller, mystery, or romance.
When you're almost there, the Development Edit is key.
When you feel your manuscript is complete, has been through multiple edits and is in pretty good shape, almost ready for agent representation or for publication, and you want to make sure it is delivering in every area...
To make your story into a successfully published book, it has to be pretty much flawless.
Those wordy bits that you forgive yourself for in your own writing? Readers switch off. That section you have a nagging feeling about? Agents or online reviews will find you out. That problem you hoped the editor at the fancy publishing house will fix for you? Chances are it won't get there if you don't fix the problem first. If you think agents and publishers are harsh judges, try reading book reviews.
The Development Editor will go through your manuscript, page by page, line by line, making annotated comments and suggestions in the manuscript itself on every page, noting how any issues or suggested improvements relate to the Three Key Elements. Your editor will create a minimum 5,000 word report to help clarify the comments, suggestions, and the path forward towards publication.
If you're close but want to be sure you've done everything right, The Development Edit is for you.
Typical fees:
£750 for 60,000 words.
£950 for 80,000 words.
£1150 for 100,000 words.